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539 lines
; Megalosound Installer for Megalosound from Microdeal
(@default-dest "SYS:")
(transcript "Megalosound "@default-dest)
(set default-user @user-level)
(set MegaloVersion
(getversion "Megalosound:Megalosound")
(Set MegaloVer
(/ MegaloVersion 65536)
(set MegaloRev
(- MegaloVersion (* Megalover 65536))
(set techsupport2
(cat techsupport2 "Please remember, Technical support is\n between 2-3P.M."
" Mon-Fri\nIf you require technical support, please remember to have when you"
" phone, your:-\nSerial Number\nSoftware version number\nMegalosound Manual\nMachine"
" configuration (RAM,Processor,Hard disk etc)\n\n"
" If you could also have a clear and concise description of the problem"
" you are having, it will help us answer your queries as quickly as"
" possible.\n\n"
" Select Proceed to Quit to Workbench"
(set techsupport3
(cat techsupport3 "Custom Installation Complete.\n\n To obtain your 30 days"
" free technical support and notification of Megalosound updates, please"
" complete your registration card and return it to:-\nMicrodeal.\nThe"
" Old School\nGreenfield\nBedford\nMK45 5DE\n"
;alter user level
(user 2)
;hello everyone
(message ("\n Welcome to the Hard disk installation utility for Megalosound Version %ld.%ld\n"MegaloVer MegaloRev)
"\n NOTE:\n To ensure proper installation, it is important that "
" you boot from your hard drive before using the installation utility!"
"\n\nIf you require help at any stage of the installation,"
" just select the HELP buttons at the appropriate stages."
;set up backup
(if (= original 0)
(set backup
(prompt "\n Would you like to make a backup of your master disk?")
(help "Please always use a backup copy of the Megalosound master"
" disk to prevent damaging it. \n\nIf you have not made a backup of"
" your master disk, you now have the choice to do so."
(choices "Yes" "No")
(default 1 )
;execute the backup script
(if (= backup 0)
(execute "Megalosound:diskbackup")
;ask to replace with backup
(if (= backup 0)
(message "Backup Completed. \n\n Please remove the master disk"
" and replace it with the backup copy you have just made.\n\n"
" Select Proceed to continue Hard Disk Installation"
;reset user level
(user default-user)
;Set complex or even more complex!
(complete 0)
(set options
(Prompt "Select Installation?\n For Additional Information hit HELP!")
(help "\n Full Installation will copy"
" all the Megalosound files to your hard"
" disk including the Supersound, Multi-Mon, PSAM and Sample"
" files.\n\n"
" The Custom Installation will allow you"
" to install individual parts of the package,"
" as well as allowing you to choose the"
" installation paths for the files.\n\n"
" If your system is heavily customised from"
" the standard Amiga hard disk setup, it may be"
" advisable to choose the Custom Installation"
" setting for extra flexibility."
(choices "Full Installation" "Custom Installation")
(default 0 )
(if (= options 0)
(Complete 0)
;set megalosound location
(if (= options 0)
(set Megalosound_Dest
(prompt "Select the location for the Megalosound Drawer.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
;create Megalosound drawer
(if (= options 0)
(makedir (Megalosound_Dest))
(set techsupport1
(cat techsupport1 "Full Installation Complete. Megalosound can be found"
" in ""\"" Megalosound_Dest "\""" \n\n To obtain your 30 days"
" free technical support and notification of Megalosound updates,"
" please complete your registration card and return it to:-\nMicrodeal."
"\nThe Old School\nGreenfield\nBedford\nMK45 5DE\n"
(if (= options 0)
(Complete 20)
;set bonus location
(if (= options 0)
(set Bonus_Dest
(prompt "Select the location of the Bonus Drawer.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default Megalosound_Dest)
;set extras location
(if (= options 0)
(set Extras_Dest
(prompt "Select the location of the Extras Drawer.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default Megalosound_Dest)
(if (= options 0)
(Complete 30)
;set samples location
(if (= options 0)
(set Samples_Dest
(prompt "Select the location for the Samples Drawer.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default Megalosound_Dest)
(if (= options 0)
(Complete 40)
;copy megalosound files
(if (= options 0)
(Prompt "N/A")
(help " N/A")
(dest Megalosound_Dest)
(pattern "Mega#?")
(if (= options 0)
(Complete 70)
;copy bonus files
(if (= options 0)
(Prompt "N/A")
(help "N/A"
" Supersound files to \"Bonus_Dest\".")
(source "MEGALOSOUND:Bonus")
(dest Bonus_Dest)
(pattern "#?")
;Copy extras files
(if (= options 0)
(Prompt "N/A")
(help "N/A")
(source "MEGALOSOUND:Extras")
(dest Extras_Dest)
(pattern "#?")
(if (= options 0)
(Complete 80)
;copy samples files
(if (= options 0)
(Prompt "N/A")
(help "N/A")
(source "MEGALOSOUND:Samples")
(dest Samples_Dest)
(pattern "#?")
(if (= options 0)
(Complete 90)
;copy psam program to SYS:C
(if (= options 0)
(Prompt "N/A")
(help "N/A")
(source "MEGALOSOUND:Extras")
(dest "C:")
(pattern "PS#?")
(if (= options 0)
(Complete 100)
(if (= options 0)
(user 2)
(if (= options 0)
(message techsupport1)
(if (= options 0)
(message techsupport2)
(if(= options 0)
(exit (quiet))
;if you choose the even more complex installation start here!
(if (= options 1)
;decide if you want to install megalosound program files
(set parts
(Prompt "Selct parts to install")
(Choices "Megalosound - (240K)"
"Bonus files - (190K)"
"Multi-Mon Program - (5K)"
"PSAM Program - (11K)"
"Sample Files - (23K)"
(help "\n Select which parts of the package you wish to"
" install by clicking on the selection boxes.")
(if (= options 1)
(Complete 0)
;if you did want to install the main program files do this bit
;about to setup main drawer location
(if (IN parts 0)
(set Megalosound_Dest
(prompt "Select the location for the Megalosound files.")
(help "\n You must create a drawer for the Megalosound"
" program, if you don't create a drawer, the Megalosound"
" files will be copied to the root of your hard disk."
(default @default-dest)
(if (= options 1)
(Complete 10)
;copy the actual megalosound files
(if (IN parts 0)
(Prompt "Copy Megalosound files to Specified Drawer.")
(help "\n Select Proceed and Copy to copy the"
" Megalosound files to ""\"" Megalosound_Dest "\"""."
(dest Megalosound_Dest)
(pattern "Mega#?")
(if (= options 1)
(Complete 20)
;set ssound location
(if (IN parts 1)
(set SSound_Dest
(prompt "Select the location for the Supersound files.")
(help "\n Select where to place the Supersound files."
" If you do not create a drawer for the files, they"
" will be installed in the root of your hard disk."
(default @default-Dest)
(if (= options 1)
(Complete 30)
;copy ssound files to specified location
(if (IN parts 1)
(Prompt "Copy Supersound files to specified drawer.")
(help "\n Select Proceed and Copy to copy the Supersound files"
" to ""\"" SSound_Dest "\""". "
(source "MEGALOSOUND:Bonus")
(dest SSound_Dest)
(pattern "SS#?")
(if (= options 1)
(Complete 40)
;set extras location
(if (IN parts 2)
(set MultiMon_Dest
(prompt "Select the location for the Multi-Mon files.")
(help "\n Select where to place the Multi-Mon files"
" If you do not create a drawer for the files they will"
" be installed in the root of your hard disk."
(default @default-Dest)
(if (= options 1)
(Complete 50)
;copy multi-mon to specified drawer
(if (IN parts 2)
(Prompt "Copy Extra files to specified drawer")
(help "\n Select Proceed and Copy to copy the Multi-Mon"
" files to ""\"" MultiMon_Dest "\"""."
(source "MEGALOSOUND:Extras")
(dest MultiMon_Dest)
(pattern "Mult#?")
(if (= options 1)
(Complete 60)
;Specify PSAM path
(if (IN parts 3)
;set samples drawer location
(set PSAM_Dest
(prompt "Select the location for the PSAM program.")
(help "\n Select where to place the PSAM file.\n\n"
" This file is needed to play samples from the hard disk"
" in Workbench. I would suggest that it is placed in a Workbench"
" path such as C or TOOLS, this will ensure that"
" the file will be found when working within Workbench."
(default "C:")
(if (= options 1)
(Complete 70)
;copy PSAM
(if (IN parts 3)
(Prompt "Copy PSAM program - See Help for more details.")
(help "\n Select Proceed and Copy to copy the PSAM program"
" to ""\"" PSAM_Dest "\""". "
(source "MEGALOSOUND:Extras")
(dest PSAM_Dest)
(pattern "PSAM")
(if (= options 1)
(Complete 80)
;I HATE BRACKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!
;setup sample file location location
(if (IN parts 4)
;set samples location
(set Samples_Dest
(prompt "Select the location for the Samples files.")
(help "\n Select where to place the Sample files."
" If you do not create a drawer for the files they"
" will be installed in the root of your hard disk."
(default @default-Dest)
(if (= options 1)
(Complete 90)
;copy sample files to specified location
(if (IN parts 4)
(Prompt "Copy Sample files to specified drawer.")
(help "\n Select Proceed and Copy to copy the Sample files"
" to ""\"" Samples_Dest "\"""."
(source "MEGALOSOUND:Samples")
(dest Samples_Dest)
(pattern "#?")
(if (= options 1)
(Complete 100)
(if (= options 1)
(message techsupport3)
(if (= options 1)
(message techsupport2)
(if(= options 1)
(exit (quiet))